Evergreen Elementary School in Plainfield has partnered with the Community Food Bank of New Jersey to provide 200 families at the school with supplemental boxes of fresh produce and non-perishable food, twice per month.

“We understand that all children need healthy food to grow and succeed,” said Gina Ogburn-Thompson, vice principal. “We are grateful for the opportunity to support our Evergreen families.” This year more families signed up to receive the food and the amount of families has doubled from the 75 that signed up last year. The boxes of food have fresh produce such as potatoes, onions, apples, and oranges. The non-perishable food includes oatmeal, cereal, soups, tuna fish and macaroni.

Bound Brook School District

Stacey Giordano, a Special Education Kindergarten teacher at LaMonte Annex Elementary School in Bound Brook, was chosen as a 2022 New Jersey Exemplary Educator. The program recognizes educators statewide who exhibit strong knowledge and skills, an inspiring presence, and a positive impact on students, colleagues and the school community.

A Bound Brook School District teacher has been chosen for the 2022 New Jersey Exemplary Educator program. Hipolita Hernandez-Sicignano, principal of LaMonte Annex Elementary School, nominated Stacey Giordano for the program.

Hipolita Hernandez-Sicignano, principal of LaMonte Annex Elementary School, nominated Giordano for the program.

“Mrs. Giordano is truly an asset to the LaMonte team,” Hernandez-Sicignano said. “Her innate willingness to go above and beyond for her students and lend a helping hand is so appreciated by everyone in the school. This recognition is well deserved.”

Giordano was overcome with emotions when she learned she received the award. She recalled “being very overwhelmed by the recognition from my peers. It’s great to feel their support.” When asked what Giordano enjoys most about teaching in Bound Brook School District, she emphasized the teamwork amongst the faculty, as well as support from school administrators.

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